We already had Olga, our first Volvo as well as the Vega, so when the Vega went south, I started looking for a Volvo. I saw Sven advertised in the newspaper for $ 500.00, back around 1990. He was a 1972 142 coupe, two door four speed with electric overdrive, four wheel disk brakes, fuel injected, and in pretty good shape. There was a catch, however; Sven clunked when you shifted into the next gear. The guy I bought it from said he'd driven it a long time with the clunk. As it turned out, I drove it at least two years with the clunk, before I got it fixed. The guy came down $ 10.00 on the price, and I paid him $ 490.00.

One night, very late and in a winter storm, no less, Sven cut right out and I had to push it to the side of the road with the aid of a passerby er. Don't ask whey I did not flashlight or gloves, but I did not that night and I trudged through the blowing snow one block to an all night store where I got some cheap gloves and a cheap flashlight. I had some cardboard in the trunk and spread it out under the rear of the car and crawled under with the flashlight. The fuel pump was mounted outside the gas tank and I saw two wires going to it. One wire was broke off the fuel pump. I got up and from my tool box, got wire strippers and a cotter pin. Back under, I stripped the broken wire bare at the end, and wrapped it to the eye of the cotter pin, then jammed the point of the cotter pin into the fuel pump connector. I put the stuff in the trunk, and got in and said a prayer. I turned the key and heard that familiar whine of the fuel pump, and knew it would start. I drove home and to work the next day and left Sven at the shop next door for them to fix more "proper"
That's it for now. Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of Sven, including the drive shaft breaking out of town, and more!
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