Monday, September 12, 2011

Those "cute" FaceBook sayings are usually anything but true!

I have seen them and I'm sure you have too; cute little sayings on Face Book that seem innocent but upon a little more than casual observance, are not only misleading but send a subliminal message that, well, insults my intelligence. 

Just because you go to church, does not make you a Christian.

The implication here is one may attend church and go out into the world and be perceived as anything but Christian.  It is true that if we put a cat or dog or a deceased person in the pew, day after day, that they most likely will not glean any part of the service that is beneficial to them.  It is safe to say that if one is forced to attend or only attends out of "obligation", but does not really wish to be there or participate in the celebration, that they are likely to leave with the service having little or no effect on them.  But to me, further analisis of the phrase is an encouragement to not attend at all.  Mind you, these cute little sayings are posted by so called Christians.  Why should one discourage anyone from attending at all?  I know from personal experience that I did attend church, but left with no new meaning in life or effect from being there.  However, after many times being there (church)  whether I approved or not, I not only experienced a profound effect, but looked forward to the next Mass with great anticipation and eventually, hung on to each and every word, song, prayer, and left the church a better person for it.  I think the moral of the phrase is just because you go to church, the paramount element missing is when you leave church, it is important to go out into the world and be a shinning example of Christianity, in one's actions, demeanor, and discernment.  Everything offered at this precious celebration should be absorbed and you end up not only being a Christian, but a better person.

Try to be more like Christ and less like a Christian

This cute little saying is an oxymoron in itself.  By all means, strive to act like Christ, but don't make light or give demeaning continuation to the term Christian.  Again, I see the intention of the phrase, but to put Christianity in a negative posture is offensive to me and just plain wrong.  We must recognize that we all can be jerks and idiots from time to time, but after all, we are human.  Humans are only moral people who go through life making mistakes along with all the virtues we pick up along the journey.  To coin the phrase "Try to be more like Christ" is certainly what we all should strive for.  By being human, which of course, we are, does mean that we stumble, fall, run off in the wrong direction and are under constant pressure to be unchristian. That is the power of Satin, to always put us off guard, to justify our actions as right and proper when, of course, they are not most of the time. This is why we attend church, to admit our guilt as sinners, to ask Christ for mercy and forgiveness and to learn from the scriptures how to lead our lives as true Christians.  If the phrase were stated: "Try to be more like Christ and more Christian" I would have no problem. 

In other words, any phrase, statement, or act alluding to Christianity in a negative light is playing right into the enemy's hands.  Don't cop a phrase just because it seems catchy or cute.  Try to use your heads and raise your awareness to what you are actually saying.  Each time an argument against Christianity is brought to light, Satin wins.
This morning on FaceBook, I noticed a question that I really can't answer with any authority, but I can put my two cents in, if you don't mind, Mark.  The question: Why doesn't the Catholic Church have bibles in the pews?
The Catholic Mass is structured as to the order of events taking place on any particular day.  Perhaps I'll draft up a blog on the order of the Mass, but for reference to the question, there are three yearly cycles for the weekly mass; 50 per year with three cycles A, B, & C.  The prayers, responses, and the Bible readings can be found in the Daily Missals, provided as you enter the church along with the Hymnals.  The Mass is structured with readings from the bible as follows:  1st Reading from the old testament, the Psalm (a song usually sung) a 2nd reading from the new testament (very often the letters of St Paul to the new church) and last but not least the Gospel reading (Always read by the priest or Deacon)  Many people pick up or bring their daily Missal to read the prayers for that particular day and readings.  This never changes.  People have asked me why I go to Mass if they don't have bible study included.  The Catholic church certainly offers bible study for those interested but bible study is not part of the Mass.  The FOUR readings from the bible are most certainly given at each Mass.  The Priest's homely after the four readings almost always ties the four readings into a relationship with each other.  In fact, the Mass follows a theme, so to speak, with all the readings related to that particular Mass. The songs sung, the readings, the homely, are all inter-connected with the thyme of the Mass.
I attended services at many a church, Methodist, Catholic, Baptist, etc. and usually have not noticed bibles in the pews.  The presence of the bibles or not in the pews most certainly does not mean that the readings are not covered at Mass.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Silence is Golden

Silence is Golden A man joined a monastery, where you can not talk for two years and then only two words. The days turned into weeks, then months, then finally after two years, he was brought in to the Abbot. "Well, what do you have to say?" The man replied "Food awful!" Back into the silence he went. Days passed into weeks, then months and finally years and the man was again brought before the Abbot. "Well", asked the Abbot, "What do you have to say this time?" The man replied "Bed, lumpy." Back into silence, he went. Days turned into weeks, then months, and again, two years finally elapsed. Again, he was brought before the Abbot. Before the Abbot could ask him what he had to say, the man spouted out "I quit!" "And no wonder" said the Abbot, "All you've done is complain, complain, complain!"

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Former 'Blue Baby' Enters 3rd year in Perfect Health

Former ‘Blue Baby’ Enters 3rd Year in Perfect Health Just found this old newspaper article from my 2nd birthday. I was one of the first (if not the first) to get a complete blood transfusion at birth and live to sing “Good Night Irene” The print’s a bit small so here’s what the article said: Early Bird Getting a head start on his birthday cake is Francis R. Gelo who is two years old today. At birth, Bucky was a “blue baby” but today he’s normal enough to tackle the two-layer delight before him and sing “Good Night Irene” for his relatives. Former Blue Baby enters 3rd year in perfect health. Little Francis Rober Gelo sat on the sofa in his parent’s home at 365 Rosewood Ter. Yesterday and sang “Good Night Irene” He was tuning up for his second birthday party today. His parents Mr. &  Mrs. James Gelo, proudly watched and listened to his singing. “You can see he’s just as normal as any baby now,” his mother remarked. And she was right, Bucky, boy’s nickname, who is 2 years old today, is perfectly normal-so normal in fact that he blossomed out with the measles last week. But, he’s over them now. But when Bucky was born two years ago, Bucky wasn’t normal. He was a “blue baby,” but thanks to medical science, he’s alive and well today. Immediately after his birth, doctors drained the deadly R-H positive blood from tiny body and substituted R-H negative blood. Today Bucky will be the center of attraction at his birthday party, which all his relatives will attend. “He will probably be singing “Good Night Irene,”’ his mother said until we have to put him to bed.”