The homily at daily mass today hit home hard. It was about the things we should be doing aside from attending mass and praying. It was about embracing the various ministries, involvement in working in the community to do our part as God calls us to.
I like to believe that what we do, in our neighborhoods, our towns, to give support and help to those in need, not only makes a difference, but allows God to shine through us. I invested the past five years, playing in the church band, sharing my gift from God through my music ministry. I only recently have moved on to other musical ministry, composing music for the Psalms in the bible. I post the daily Psalm link on Face Book, each day for anyone to listen and hopefully gain renewed insight in the good word. I am known at our church's food cupboard as "Potato Man", as I go to the Public Market, weekly to buy potatoes for the Food Cupboard to share with those in need. I constantly ask myself, am I doing enough? I constantly pray for inspiration from God, to lead me to where I can make some difference. I read the bible, arming myself with the knowledge of the good news, prepping myself to give answers to those asking about God. Many times I have stumbled, attempting to talk with those willing to listen. I have bumbled more than one opportunity to spread the Gospel, through embarrassment and other lame frailties I bear as a human being, but looking back now, I can believe, I have dusted myself off, continued to learn, to listen, and to lean on Jesus for strength, courage, and fortification to continue forward being a servant in the name of my Lord.
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